The Fine-Tuning of the Universe

The Fine-Tuning of the Universe

A few weeks ago, I presented the Fine-Tuning of the Universe Argument at one of our Central Teachings. I sensed that people felt overwhelmed by the amount of content I was presenting, so I decided to transcribe my lecture.

For those unfamiliar with this argument, the Fine-Tuning of the Universe Argument offers compelling scientific evidence for a cosmic designer. Scientists have identified more than thirty physical constants whose values are such that even the slightest change would create a life prohibitive universe.

Although most experts in the field of cosmology disagree with a view that sees a designer fine-tuning the universe, virtually all of them agree with the basic premises of this argument.

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2018 Xenos Survey Results

2018 Xenos Survey Results

In 2018, I thought it would be interesting to conduct a survey that studies demographic trends in our church, tracks people’s spiritual backgrounds and provides insight into members’ level of engagement in home churches.

I sent this survey to 4,146 people who regularly attend a Xenos home church. We got a great response rate. 64% (2,638 people) completed the survey. The result yielded some interesting insights into our church.

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Making Sense of God

Making Sense of God

As a growing number of people in our culture embrace a naturalistic worldview, many find themselves unable to account for things such as meaning, freedom, justice and hope. Tim Keller’s recent book, Making Sense of God: An Invitation to the Skeptical speaks to this irony and argues that Christianity is more relevant now than ever. The following is an excerpt from his book.

“Some years ago a woman from China was doing graduate work at Columbia University in political theory, and she began attending our church. She had come to the United States to study partially because there was a growing opinion among Chinese social scientists that the Christian idea of transcendence was the historic basis for the concepts of human rights and equality. After all, she said, science alone could not prove human equality. I expressed surprise at this, but she said this was not only something that some Chinese academics were arguing, but that some of the most respected secular thinkers in the West were saying it too. Through her help, I came to see that faith was making something of a comeback in rarefied philosophical circles where secular reason—rationality and science without any belief in a transcendent, supernatural reality—has increasingly been seen as missing things that society needs.”

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